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The Shadow Temple Ocarina Of Time

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#linktober #zelda #ocarina of time #tloz #linktober2020 #Link More you might like I don't really know if this can be considered a dungeon/temple, but I do remember being very unsettled by that area, much more than the shadow temple in OoT. The Shadow Temple is one of the most unforgettable portions of Ocarina of Time. And this is despite having a mini-dungeon right before it that parallels it in several regards, and arguably integrates its theme more meaningfully while also featuring a more interesting item.

Shadow Temple

How to find the shadow temple ocarina of time

The entrance to the Shadow Temple can be found in the Kakariko Village Graveyard after you have completed the Water Temple and refilled Lake Hylia. Note though that you need to return to Kakariko Village as young Link and complete the Bottom of the Well dungeon and obtain the Lens of Truth to get through the Shadow Temple. Play the Nocturne of Shadow when you are ready to go.

You will need to make extensive use of the Lens of Truth throughout the Shadow Temple to see through walls and to see invisible objects. It is actually possible to complete this dungeon without the Lens of Truth but it is much more difficult (and nearly impossible if you have not completed it previously and know what to do).

Walk forward from the entrance. Turn to the right and use the Longshot to get across the chasm and the approach the face on the wall. The Shadow will tell you what was mentioned above – 'The Shadow will yield only to one with the eye of truth, handed down in Kakariko Village'.

Go through the face and take an immediate left. Use the Lens of Truth to see that the face on the wall in the corner leads through to a corridor with a door at the end. Go through the door and approach the skull and it will tell you again that you need the Lens of Truth, stating: 'One who gains the eye of truth will be able to see what is hidden in the darkness.' Go through the wall with the skull and into the next room.

The Shadow Temple Ocarina Of Time

There is another secret doorway that you can go through directly to the opposite side of the room that you entered – it has two pots in front of it. Proceed through it into the next room and then find another secret doorway in the corner that leads to a corridor with a door. Go through this door to find another Dead Hands mini-boss that you need to defeat. Follow the same strategies used to defeat the one in the Bottom of the Well. A treasure chest will appear after you destroy it which contains the Hover Boots item which you will need to make extensive use of throughout this dungeon.

The Hover Boots allow you to float on the air for a few seconds once you run off of a ledge, but the disadvantage to using them is the extreme loss of traction that Link experiences while wearing them.

Continue back into the previous room and then back into the room previous to that. This time, instead of taking the door that had the pots in front of it, go to the opposite side of the room to find another secret passage way with another door in front of it. Go through the door to find a Redead enemy and two Keese Bats flying around. Defeat all three enemies and a treasure chest will appear that contains the Dungeon Map.

Return to the large room with the statue and the skulls. You can use the Lens of Truth to reveal that only one of the skulls on the pillars is the true skull – it is the one that does not disappear when you look at it through the Lens of Truth. Approach the statue and it will tell you to '[m]ake my beak face the skull of truth.' Push the statue until it faces the proper skull and the blocked gateway on the east side of the room will open up.

Equip the Hover Boots and use them to walk across the open pit area onto the tongue to reach the open doorway. Make sure that you take a good run at it. Remember to remove your Hover Boots whenever you do not need them. Travel down the hallway and destroy the Beamos in the center of the room at the end of the hall. There is a doorway on the left and a doorway on the right that can only be seen with the Lens of Truth. Take the pathway leading to the right and go through the doorway.

This next room has two Gibdos in it that behaves exactly like a Redead. Destroy both of the Gibdos and another treasure chest will appear. Open this one to obtain the Compass. Travel back to the room where the Beamos was located and travel directly across the room on the northern wall.

This room has another spinning structure similar to the ice propeller that was in the Ice Cavern, except that this one has two large ghouls wielding scythes. You can roll under the scythes in order to dodge them. The goal is to obtain all of the Silver Rupees in this room. Four out of five of the Silver Rupees are on the ground level and are easy to obtain. The last Silver Rupee requires you to Longshot up to the wooden platform and jump off the platform to reach it. There is also a room with a small treasure chest (which can be seen on the Dungeon Map). Find the room and open the treasure chest to obtain a Small Key.

Return to the room with the Beamos where the pathways split. The Beamos will have reappeared so destroy it by throwing a Bomb at it. Use a Bomb on the wall on the east side of the room and then proceed through the locked doorway using the Small Key that you obtained. Continue down the hallway but be careful of Skulltulas hanging from the ceiling and the guillotines further down the path. There are also Wallmasters that will jump down towards the end of hall. Wait for it to drop and then kill it before you continue.

You will eventually reach a large open area with a ton of guillotines and moving platforms off in the background (shown in the screenshot below). Watch out for a Red Bubble that jump out near the third guillotine. There will be another Stalfos that you will have to do battle with on the platform following the third guillotine.

Look to the left and use the Lens of Truth to see that there are two secret platforms that you can reach. Equip the Hover Boots and walk across the platforms. Go through the doorway after you reach the last platform and continue down the hallway. The next room has a large circle in the center of it. Use the Lens of Truth to see that there is another set of ghouls with scythes that have to be dodged. Kill the three Keese Bats and the Like Like in this room to open the doorway on the east side of the room.

Kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall and obtain the token using the Longshot (number 84 of 100). Open up the treasure chest to obtain a Blue Rupee. Use the Lens of Truth in this small room to see that there is another treasure chest that you can open up – it contains a bundle of arrows. Travel all the way back out of the room and into the large room and onto the platform where you fought the Stalfos.

There is a large rising and lowering platform to the west of the platform with the Stalfos which you need to reach. Wait until the platform drops and then use the Hover Boots to run out and land on it. Wait until the platform rises and then run off to the west towards the spikes, the Beamos and the Silver Rupees. Grab all four Silver Rupees that you can see and then blow up the Beamos using a Bomb to reveal the fifth and final Silver Rupee. Continue down the hallway that opens up.

The next room that you reach has a number of spiked racks on chains rising and lowering along a platform. Use the Lens of Truth and look at the wall on the right side of the room to see a secret area where there is a red block that you can pull out. Pull out the block and then push the block westward under the spikes coming down.

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Push the red block far enough down that it blocks both of the spikes and then head into the room on the north side to find a Gold Skulltula. Destroy it and pick up the token (number 85 of 100).

Enter the cell on the south side of the room and open the treasure chest to obtain a bundle of arrows. Continue pulling (not pushing, or you will get hit by the spikes on the back as you push it forward) the red block and then climb onto the block. Jump onto the platform to the left and then walk across the top of the spike racks. There is a treasure chest that contains a Blue Rupee. There is also a switch on the opposite side of the platform. Press the switch to make another treasure chest appear which contains another Small Key.

Exit this room and go back out the the large room (with the Beamos and Silver Rupees). Follow the pathway along northward until you reach the edge of the path with the guillotine. Use the Lens of Truth to see the hidden platforms up ahead and equip your Hover Boots so that you can run across to each of the platforms. Run across and use the Small Key to go through the door.

This next room has some spikes that only appear if you are using the Lens of Truth, so you may want to keep it activated as you wander through the room. Destroy each of the enemies in the room to start things off by killing the two Redeads to make a treasure chest appear which contains another Blue Rupee. You have to make extensive use of the Longshot and the targets on the walls to reach each of the Silver Rupees. Many of the ledges and targets can only be seen with the Lens of Truth. Go through the doorway on the west wall once you have obtained all five.

There is a large skull in the enter of the room with blue fire coming out of it. There are also two Fire Keese Bats roaming around the room – kill them first to make things easier. There is a Gold Skulltula hiding behind the large skull. You can attack it with your sword and then pick up the token (number 86 of 100).

The doorway leading back out will open up once you have killed all four of the bats, but you are not quite finished in this room. Throw a Bomb into the large skull (using the Bomb Flowers since they are free) to blow the skull up and release another Small Key.

Return to the previous room and Longshot up onto the upper platform on the north wall and go through the locked doorway. The next hallways contain large fans which will blow you backwards as you try to walk down them. Use the Iron Boots to prevent the fans from blowing you backwards and run past each of the spikes. You will reach a pit that can only be crossed by using the Hover Boots – the problem is making sure that you run right when the fan stops blowing. Use the Up C Button to look at the fan and then quickly run across. You can also use the Longshot and aim for the chunk of wood.

The next room has a number of fans on the left and right sides of the room. Continue down the pathway past the silver eye which will actually shoot flames at you as you try to pass. There are two Redeads which need to be killed in this room. A treasure chest will appear that contains a bundle of arrows – you need to use the Lens of Truth. The face in the room will provide you with an explanation of what to do next.

Exit the room, equip the Hover Boots, use the Lens of Truth and look northward to see a secret passageway. The goal here is to stand in front of the fan, wait for it to blow and then hover across to the other platform. Go through the doorway to reach another room with enemies to kill. Destroy the two Gibdos and then use a Bomb on the stone blocks and then use the Lens of Truth to find another treasure chest with another Small Key. Go through the locked doorway and into the next room.

The next room has a large ship docked to the platform above. Locate the brown block in the southwest corner and drag it over under the ladder.

How To Find The Shadow Temple Ocarina Of Time

Climb the ladder and then immediately turn around. Pull out the Ocarina of Time and play the Scarecrow's Song to make Pierre the Scarecrow appear on the ledge just west of here. Use the Longshot to launch Link over to Pierre and then kill the Gold Skulltula nearby and grab the token (number 87 of 100).

Jump onto the boat and stand on the Triforce. Pull out the Ocarina of Time and play Zelda's Lullaby. The ship will begin traveling forward. During the journey forward, Link will be ambushed by two Stalfos. Defeat them as quickly as possible and be prepared for when the ship reaches the other end of this huge room.

Navi will warn you but you won't have much time – the ship will drop from underneath Link, so jump across to the platform on the south side as quickly as possible. Go through the doorway on the west side of the room.

The next room appears to be entirely open but there are actually a number of hidden walls preventing your passage through the area. Watch out for the Floormasters as you wander through it. Use the Lens of Truth to find your way around. Go through the doorway on the west side of the room. This room has another three skulls with blue fire in them but these ones are rotating. Use the Bomb Flowers and throw the Bombs into the different skulls. The last skull will explode into a bunch of Rupees, but the true reward is the Gold Skulltula which appears on the wall. Destroy it and pick up the token (number 88 of 100).

Exit this room and return to the room with the Floormasters. Go through the doorway on the south side of the room. Use your Lens of Truth as soon as you enter the room as there is an invisible Floormaster that you need to destroy. A treasure chest will appear after you defeat it that contains a Small Key. Exit back out to the room with the Floormasters and go through the doorway on the north side of the room.

The last room contains two wooden spiked walls that will approach Link as soon as he enters. Equip Din's Fire and use it to destroy the wooden platforms with the spikes. There are two Redeads in this room as well as a treasure chest that contains a Blue Rupee. More importantly though, the Boss Chest is in this room – open it up to pick up the Boss Key. Exit back out to the landing area where the ship sunk.

Look for the Bomb Flowers near the statue on the left side of the screen. Shoot an arrow using the Fairy Bow at the Bomb Flowers to cause them to explode which will cause the large statue of the bird to drop down across the chasm. Go through the locked door and into the next room.

The last room – you can see the Boss Door on the opposite side of the room. Equip the Hover Boots and use the Lens of Truth to see where the hidden platforms are. There are a couple of different paths that you can take and it is not to difficult to make it across. Time for the next boss – jump onto hole to begin the fight.

Bongo Bongo
Phantom Shadow Beast

Equip your Hover Boots to start things off. Bongo Bongo will slam the drum/floor with its hands causing you to bounce up and down. You have to dodge the hands as they attempt to attack you – they will slide forward, attempt to grab you, form a fist and try to punch you, and slam down on you. The hands rotate around the screen so make sure to keep them in view at all times so that you are not surprised by any attacks.

Have your Fairy Bow ready and shoot arrows at the hands. The hand will turn blue and drop an item, such as a Magic Pot or arrows (both of which you need). Hit the other hand as quickly as you can after you hit the first and then use the Lens of Truth. Bongo Bongo's body should be visible and its eye should now be open. Aim an arrow directly at Bongo Bongo's eye to stun it allowing you to attack it with the Master Sword or the Biggoron's Sword. Swing as many times as you can in succession as you can get multiple hits in while it is stunned.

Good luck!

Pick up the Heart Container and then jump into the portal once you've defeated it. Impa will reveal herself as the Sage who guards the Shadow Temple. She will also provide Link with the Medallion of Shadow.

The next destination is a place that you have never been to – the Gerudo Fortress!

After getting the Lens of Truth from under the well, you can reach the Shadow Temple.

Learn Sun's Song

It is recommended (but not required) to learn Sun's Song before you enter thistemple. If you have not learned it yet, go to the grave in the back of Kakariko Graveyardand stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby. Drop into thehole that appears, and make your way through the underground area to find thesign on the wall in the back. You will learn Sun's Song when you read the sign.

Get the Map

Use the Longshot to go across the gap. When you walk toward thewall, it will say something about the lens of truth. You don't need touse it to go past, but you will need it all throughout this temple.Walk through the wall to reach the next area.

Go up to the statue in the middle of the room. The statue will tell you topoint at the true skull.Use the Lens of Truth and you will see that all but one skull disappears.Be careful, because if you stop rotating the statue before it is pointingat the true skull, the floor will disappear, you will get hurt, and you willbe sent back to the entrance.

After you point the statue in the right direction, a gate opens thatyou can't reach yet, so ignore it for now.

There are two fake portraits in the wall. Use the Lens of Truth to see them,then go into the one on the right. Then go through the door straight ahead.Approach the skull straight ahead and it will talk to you. Walk through theskull wall, then go to the right use the Lens of Truth to see the fake wallon the right. Go through the fake wall, then go through the door at the end.

Kill the Keese and ReDead to make a chest appear. Open it to get the map.

Get the Hover Boots

Go back to the skull room and turn right, and use the Lens of Truthto see a fake wall on the right. Go through it, then go straight aheadthrough another fake wall. Go to the right, then go left,and the Lens of Truth will show you a fake wall straight ahead. Go through it, and go through the door within.

You have to battle another Dead Hand here. Let one of the hands catch you, then wiggle the control stick and tap the buttons until you escape from the hand, then hit Dead Hand in the face repeatedly. When it turns around, keep your distance to avoid the shockwavethat it creates when it goes underground. Repeat the process until it dies. Open the chest that appears. You will get the Hover Boots.This item lets you walk over a gap and float there for a few moments,but the effect wears off quickly, so be careful to only use it to run across short gaps. It also lets you walk across quicksand withoutsinking.

Get a Key

Go back to the room with the bird statue. Go to the edge and face the tongue where the gate opened earlier, then put on the Hover Boots andgo across to the tongue. You will fall before you get there, but if youran directly toward it, you will grab the ledge and can climb up.Take off the Hover Boots and go through the gate. Keep going straight, andyou will reach a room with a Beamos in the middle. There is a fake wall to the left. Go through it, and go through the door beyond it.

There is a spinning blade in the center of the room. Don't go toward theportrait at the end of a hallway in this room,or you will fall into the invisible hole in the floor there.Collect all of the silver rupees to open a gate. The gate has a portraitabove it. Go through where the gate was, then open the chest to get a small key.

Get the Compass

After you get the key, exit the spinning blade room the way you came in,and return to the Beamos room.Go around the Beamos and go through the wall straight ahead. Play Sun's Song to freeze the Gibdos. Kill them to make a chest appear.Open it to get the Compass. Then leave this room the way that you came in.

Get a Gold Skulltula

Go back to the room with the Beamos. Throw a bomb at it to kill it. You can play the Song of Storms after you kill it, and a fairy will appear wherethe Beamos was. Thenput a bomb against the wall to the right of where the Beamos was.Then go through the locked door that is revealed.

There are Skulltulas hiding in the ceiling up ahead, so go slowly.In the N64 version,you can kill them before they come down if you use the Longshot where you can see their legs sticking out of the ceiling.

Shadow temple ocarina of time music

The entrance to the Shadow Temple can be found in the Kakariko Village Graveyard after you have completed the Water Temple and refilled Lake Hylia. Note though that you need to return to Kakariko Village as young Link and complete the Bottom of the Well dungeon and obtain the Lens of Truth to get through the Shadow Temple. Play the Nocturne of Shadow when you are ready to go.

You will need to make extensive use of the Lens of Truth throughout the Shadow Temple to see through walls and to see invisible objects. It is actually possible to complete this dungeon without the Lens of Truth but it is much more difficult (and nearly impossible if you have not completed it previously and know what to do).

Walk forward from the entrance. Turn to the right and use the Longshot to get across the chasm and the approach the face on the wall. The Shadow will tell you what was mentioned above – 'The Shadow will yield only to one with the eye of truth, handed down in Kakariko Village'.

Go through the face and take an immediate left. Use the Lens of Truth to see that the face on the wall in the corner leads through to a corridor with a door at the end. Go through the door and approach the skull and it will tell you again that you need the Lens of Truth, stating: 'One who gains the eye of truth will be able to see what is hidden in the darkness.' Go through the wall with the skull and into the next room.

There is another secret doorway that you can go through directly to the opposite side of the room that you entered – it has two pots in front of it. Proceed through it into the next room and then find another secret doorway in the corner that leads to a corridor with a door. Go through this door to find another Dead Hands mini-boss that you need to defeat. Follow the same strategies used to defeat the one in the Bottom of the Well. A treasure chest will appear after you destroy it which contains the Hover Boots item which you will need to make extensive use of throughout this dungeon.

The Hover Boots allow you to float on the air for a few seconds once you run off of a ledge, but the disadvantage to using them is the extreme loss of traction that Link experiences while wearing them.

Continue back into the previous room and then back into the room previous to that. This time, instead of taking the door that had the pots in front of it, go to the opposite side of the room to find another secret passage way with another door in front of it. Go through the door to find a Redead enemy and two Keese Bats flying around. Defeat all three enemies and a treasure chest will appear that contains the Dungeon Map.

Return to the large room with the statue and the skulls. You can use the Lens of Truth to reveal that only one of the skulls on the pillars is the true skull – it is the one that does not disappear when you look at it through the Lens of Truth. Approach the statue and it will tell you to '[m]ake my beak face the skull of truth.' Push the statue until it faces the proper skull and the blocked gateway on the east side of the room will open up.

Equip the Hover Boots and use them to walk across the open pit area onto the tongue to reach the open doorway. Make sure that you take a good run at it. Remember to remove your Hover Boots whenever you do not need them. Travel down the hallway and destroy the Beamos in the center of the room at the end of the hall. There is a doorway on the left and a doorway on the right that can only be seen with the Lens of Truth. Take the pathway leading to the right and go through the doorway.

This next room has two Gibdos in it that behaves exactly like a Redead. Destroy both of the Gibdos and another treasure chest will appear. Open this one to obtain the Compass. Travel back to the room where the Beamos was located and travel directly across the room on the northern wall.

This room has another spinning structure similar to the ice propeller that was in the Ice Cavern, except that this one has two large ghouls wielding scythes. You can roll under the scythes in order to dodge them. The goal is to obtain all of the Silver Rupees in this room. Four out of five of the Silver Rupees are on the ground level and are easy to obtain. The last Silver Rupee requires you to Longshot up to the wooden platform and jump off the platform to reach it. There is also a room with a small treasure chest (which can be seen on the Dungeon Map). Find the room and open the treasure chest to obtain a Small Key.

Return to the room with the Beamos where the pathways split. The Beamos will have reappeared so destroy it by throwing a Bomb at it. Use a Bomb on the wall on the east side of the room and then proceed through the locked doorway using the Small Key that you obtained. Continue down the hallway but be careful of Skulltulas hanging from the ceiling and the guillotines further down the path. There are also Wallmasters that will jump down towards the end of hall. Wait for it to drop and then kill it before you continue.

You will eventually reach a large open area with a ton of guillotines and moving platforms off in the background (shown in the screenshot below). Watch out for a Red Bubble that jump out near the third guillotine. There will be another Stalfos that you will have to do battle with on the platform following the third guillotine.

Look to the left and use the Lens of Truth to see that there are two secret platforms that you can reach. Equip the Hover Boots and walk across the platforms. Go through the doorway after you reach the last platform and continue down the hallway. The next room has a large circle in the center of it. Use the Lens of Truth to see that there is another set of ghouls with scythes that have to be dodged. Kill the three Keese Bats and the Like Like in this room to open the doorway on the east side of the room.

Kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall and obtain the token using the Longshot (number 84 of 100). Open up the treasure chest to obtain a Blue Rupee. Use the Lens of Truth in this small room to see that there is another treasure chest that you can open up – it contains a bundle of arrows. Travel all the way back out of the room and into the large room and onto the platform where you fought the Stalfos.

There is a large rising and lowering platform to the west of the platform with the Stalfos which you need to reach. Wait until the platform drops and then use the Hover Boots to run out and land on it. Wait until the platform rises and then run off to the west towards the spikes, the Beamos and the Silver Rupees. Grab all four Silver Rupees that you can see and then blow up the Beamos using a Bomb to reveal the fifth and final Silver Rupee. Continue down the hallway that opens up.

The next room that you reach has a number of spiked racks on chains rising and lowering along a platform. Use the Lens of Truth and look at the wall on the right side of the room to see a secret area where there is a red block that you can pull out. Pull out the block and then push the block westward under the spikes coming down.

Push the red block far enough down that it blocks both of the spikes and then head into the room on the north side to find a Gold Skulltula. Destroy it and pick up the token (number 85 of 100).

Enter the cell on the south side of the room and open the treasure chest to obtain a bundle of arrows. Continue pulling (not pushing, or you will get hit by the spikes on the back as you push it forward) the red block and then climb onto the block. Jump onto the platform to the left and then walk across the top of the spike racks. There is a treasure chest that contains a Blue Rupee. There is also a switch on the opposite side of the platform. Press the switch to make another treasure chest appear which contains another Small Key.

Exit this room and go back out the the large room (with the Beamos and Silver Rupees). Follow the pathway along northward until you reach the edge of the path with the guillotine. Use the Lens of Truth to see the hidden platforms up ahead and equip your Hover Boots so that you can run across to each of the platforms. Run across and use the Small Key to go through the door.

This next room has some spikes that only appear if you are using the Lens of Truth, so you may want to keep it activated as you wander through the room. Destroy each of the enemies in the room to start things off by killing the two Redeads to make a treasure chest appear which contains another Blue Rupee. You have to make extensive use of the Longshot and the targets on the walls to reach each of the Silver Rupees. Many of the ledges and targets can only be seen with the Lens of Truth. Go through the doorway on the west wall once you have obtained all five.

There is a large skull in the enter of the room with blue fire coming out of it. There are also two Fire Keese Bats roaming around the room – kill them first to make things easier. There is a Gold Skulltula hiding behind the large skull. You can attack it with your sword and then pick up the token (number 86 of 100).

The doorway leading back out will open up once you have killed all four of the bats, but you are not quite finished in this room. Throw a Bomb into the large skull (using the Bomb Flowers since they are free) to blow the skull up and release another Small Key.

Return to the previous room and Longshot up onto the upper platform on the north wall and go through the locked doorway. The next hallways contain large fans which will blow you backwards as you try to walk down them. Use the Iron Boots to prevent the fans from blowing you backwards and run past each of the spikes. You will reach a pit that can only be crossed by using the Hover Boots – the problem is making sure that you run right when the fan stops blowing. Use the Up C Button to look at the fan and then quickly run across. You can also use the Longshot and aim for the chunk of wood.

The next room has a number of fans on the left and right sides of the room. Continue down the pathway past the silver eye which will actually shoot flames at you as you try to pass. There are two Redeads which need to be killed in this room. A treasure chest will appear that contains a bundle of arrows – you need to use the Lens of Truth. The face in the room will provide you with an explanation of what to do next.

Exit the room, equip the Hover Boots, use the Lens of Truth and look northward to see a secret passageway. The goal here is to stand in front of the fan, wait for it to blow and then hover across to the other platform. Go through the doorway to reach another room with enemies to kill. Destroy the two Gibdos and then use a Bomb on the stone blocks and then use the Lens of Truth to find another treasure chest with another Small Key. Go through the locked doorway and into the next room.

The next room has a large ship docked to the platform above. Locate the brown block in the southwest corner and drag it over under the ladder.

How To Find The Shadow Temple Ocarina Of Time

Climb the ladder and then immediately turn around. Pull out the Ocarina of Time and play the Scarecrow's Song to make Pierre the Scarecrow appear on the ledge just west of here. Use the Longshot to launch Link over to Pierre and then kill the Gold Skulltula nearby and grab the token (number 87 of 100).

Jump onto the boat and stand on the Triforce. Pull out the Ocarina of Time and play Zelda's Lullaby. The ship will begin traveling forward. During the journey forward, Link will be ambushed by two Stalfos. Defeat them as quickly as possible and be prepared for when the ship reaches the other end of this huge room.

Navi will warn you but you won't have much time – the ship will drop from underneath Link, so jump across to the platform on the south side as quickly as possible. Go through the doorway on the west side of the room.

The next room appears to be entirely open but there are actually a number of hidden walls preventing your passage through the area. Watch out for the Floormasters as you wander through it. Use the Lens of Truth to find your way around. Go through the doorway on the west side of the room. This room has another three skulls with blue fire in them but these ones are rotating. Use the Bomb Flowers and throw the Bombs into the different skulls. The last skull will explode into a bunch of Rupees, but the true reward is the Gold Skulltula which appears on the wall. Destroy it and pick up the token (number 88 of 100).

Exit this room and return to the room with the Floormasters. Go through the doorway on the south side of the room. Use your Lens of Truth as soon as you enter the room as there is an invisible Floormaster that you need to destroy. A treasure chest will appear after you defeat it that contains a Small Key. Exit back out to the room with the Floormasters and go through the doorway on the north side of the room.

The last room contains two wooden spiked walls that will approach Link as soon as he enters. Equip Din's Fire and use it to destroy the wooden platforms with the spikes. There are two Redeads in this room as well as a treasure chest that contains a Blue Rupee. More importantly though, the Boss Chest is in this room – open it up to pick up the Boss Key. Exit back out to the landing area where the ship sunk.

Look for the Bomb Flowers near the statue on the left side of the screen. Shoot an arrow using the Fairy Bow at the Bomb Flowers to cause them to explode which will cause the large statue of the bird to drop down across the chasm. Go through the locked door and into the next room.

The last room – you can see the Boss Door on the opposite side of the room. Equip the Hover Boots and use the Lens of Truth to see where the hidden platforms are. There are a couple of different paths that you can take and it is not to difficult to make it across. Time for the next boss – jump onto hole to begin the fight.

Bongo Bongo
Phantom Shadow Beast

Equip your Hover Boots to start things off. Bongo Bongo will slam the drum/floor with its hands causing you to bounce up and down. You have to dodge the hands as they attempt to attack you – they will slide forward, attempt to grab you, form a fist and try to punch you, and slam down on you. The hands rotate around the screen so make sure to keep them in view at all times so that you are not surprised by any attacks.

Have your Fairy Bow ready and shoot arrows at the hands. The hand will turn blue and drop an item, such as a Magic Pot or arrows (both of which you need). Hit the other hand as quickly as you can after you hit the first and then use the Lens of Truth. Bongo Bongo's body should be visible and its eye should now be open. Aim an arrow directly at Bongo Bongo's eye to stun it allowing you to attack it with the Master Sword or the Biggoron's Sword. Swing as many times as you can in succession as you can get multiple hits in while it is stunned.

Good luck!

Pick up the Heart Container and then jump into the portal once you've defeated it. Impa will reveal herself as the Sage who guards the Shadow Temple. She will also provide Link with the Medallion of Shadow.

The next destination is a place that you have never been to – the Gerudo Fortress!

After getting the Lens of Truth from under the well, you can reach the Shadow Temple.

Learn Sun's Song

It is recommended (but not required) to learn Sun's Song before you enter thistemple. If you have not learned it yet, go to the grave in the back of Kakariko Graveyardand stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby. Drop into thehole that appears, and make your way through the underground area to find thesign on the wall in the back. You will learn Sun's Song when you read the sign.

Get the Map

Use the Longshot to go across the gap. When you walk toward thewall, it will say something about the lens of truth. You don't need touse it to go past, but you will need it all throughout this temple.Walk through the wall to reach the next area.

Go up to the statue in the middle of the room. The statue will tell you topoint at the true skull.Use the Lens of Truth and you will see that all but one skull disappears.Be careful, because if you stop rotating the statue before it is pointingat the true skull, the floor will disappear, you will get hurt, and you willbe sent back to the entrance.

After you point the statue in the right direction, a gate opens thatyou can't reach yet, so ignore it for now.

There are two fake portraits in the wall. Use the Lens of Truth to see them,then go into the one on the right. Then go through the door straight ahead.Approach the skull straight ahead and it will talk to you. Walk through theskull wall, then go to the right use the Lens of Truth to see the fake wallon the right. Go through the fake wall, then go through the door at the end.

Kill the Keese and ReDead to make a chest appear. Open it to get the map.

Get the Hover Boots

Go back to the skull room and turn right, and use the Lens of Truthto see a fake wall on the right. Go through it, then go straight aheadthrough another fake wall. Go to the right, then go left,and the Lens of Truth will show you a fake wall straight ahead. Go through it, and go through the door within.

You have to battle another Dead Hand here. Let one of the hands catch you, then wiggle the control stick and tap the buttons until you escape from the hand, then hit Dead Hand in the face repeatedly. When it turns around, keep your distance to avoid the shockwavethat it creates when it goes underground. Repeat the process until it dies. Open the chest that appears. You will get the Hover Boots.This item lets you walk over a gap and float there for a few moments,but the effect wears off quickly, so be careful to only use it to run across short gaps. It also lets you walk across quicksand withoutsinking.

Get a Key

Go back to the room with the bird statue. Go to the edge and face the tongue where the gate opened earlier, then put on the Hover Boots andgo across to the tongue. You will fall before you get there, but if youran directly toward it, you will grab the ledge and can climb up.Take off the Hover Boots and go through the gate. Keep going straight, andyou will reach a room with a Beamos in the middle. There is a fake wall to the left. Go through it, and go through the door beyond it.

There is a spinning blade in the center of the room. Don't go toward theportrait at the end of a hallway in this room,or you will fall into the invisible hole in the floor there.Collect all of the silver rupees to open a gate. The gate has a portraitabove it. Go through where the gate was, then open the chest to get a small key.

Get the Compass

After you get the key, exit the spinning blade room the way you came in,and return to the Beamos room.Go around the Beamos and go through the wall straight ahead. Play Sun's Song to freeze the Gibdos. Kill them to make a chest appear.Open it to get the Compass. Then leave this room the way that you came in.

Get a Gold Skulltula

Go back to the room with the Beamos. Throw a bomb at it to kill it. You can play the Song of Storms after you kill it, and a fairy will appear wherethe Beamos was. Thenput a bomb against the wall to the right of where the Beamos was.Then go through the locked door that is revealed.

There are Skulltulas hiding in the ceiling up ahead, so go slowly.In the N64 version,you can kill them before they come down if you use the Longshot where you can see their legs sticking out of the ceiling.

There is a ledge up ahead. Be careful not to jump too far forward off ofthe ledge, because there is a guillotine blade ahead. There is also a Skulltulajust beyond the guillotine blade. Wait for the guillotineblade to slowly rise, then carefully go forward, and kill the Skulltula when it appears. Then wait for the second guillotine blade to fall, and go past itwhen it rises.

As you go farther down the hallway, Navi warns you that there is awallmaster here. Go into the large room ahead and run around to preventthe Wallmaster from landing on you, then kill it.

Jump from platform to platform, avoiding the guillotine blades. A Bubble willattack when you approach the third blade, so be careful. After you jump to theplatform beyond the third blade, a Stalfos falls from the ceiling. Kill it.You can play the Song of Storms on this platform to make a fairy appear.

Then look to the left of this platform and use the Lens of Truth to see a coupleof invisible platforms that you can jump across to reach the door. Go through.

Go around the corner, but don't go into the large room. Use the Lens of Truthto see an invisible spinning blade in the center of the room. Kill the Keeseand the Like Like in the room to open the gate in the far wall. Go through and kill the Gold Skulltula, then open the chest to get a blue rupee,then use the Lens of Truth to see an invisible chest. It contains a bundleof arrows. If you want to get the floating hearts in the corner of the largepart of the room, play the Song of Time near them to create a block that youcan climb to reach the hearts.

Get a Second Gold Skulltula

Go back the way that you came and jump over the invisible platforms toreturn to the platform where you fought a Stalfos before. You will have tofight another one.

To reach the platform that rises and falls, put on the Hover Boots and waitfor the platform to fall as far down as it will go, then start running.Land on the platform, then remove the Hover Boots. You might want to let the platform rise and fall a couple of times to get an idea of the timing. Thenwhen the platform rises up most of the way, run toward the guillotine bladesto land on the ledge.

Don't go toward the guillotine blades yet. First, go to the left, where thereis a Beamos and a couple of Razor Traps. Throw a bomb at the Beamos, then collect all of the silver rupees (one of which was under the Beamos).Go through the gate that opens, and go through the passageway to the nextarea.

There is a fake wall on the right that is hiding a block that you can pull.Pull it onto the portrait in the floor. Then push it toward the falling spikes.When it is under the first set of falling spikes, carefully push it forwarduntil it is under both of the falling spikes.

The cell on the left contains a Gold Skulltula. There is a chest in the othercell that contains arrows.

Get a Second Key

Go to the far end of the room. Pull the block toward you until you can'tpull it any farther, then climb up onto the block.From there, go to the ledge on the right and step on the switch to make a treasure chest fall from the ceiling. The chest contains a small key.The final chest in this room contains a blue rupee.

Get a Third Gold Skulltula

Leave this room and go back to the large room. Go to the nearby guillotineblade, then use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible platforms beyond theblade. Jump past the blade and get on the invisible moving platform, thenjump from there to the door. Go through.

First, play Sun's Song to freeze the ReDeads. Turn on the Lens of Truth to seethe invisible spikes in the floor (you can wear the Hover Boots to walk safelyover the spikes), then kill the ReDeads. When the ReDeads are gone, a chestappears. It contains a blue rupee.

Then collect the silver rupees in the room. You will need to use theLongshot to reach the floating rupees. Position yourself so that the silver rupee is between you and a Longshot target, then use the Longshot on thetarget to be pulled through the rupee. For one of the silver rupees, you willneed to use the Lens of Truth to see an invisible target on the ceilingabove the platform with the locked door on it.

After collecting all of the rupees, go through the door that opens.

There are four Keese in this room. Go behind the giant skull and kill the Gold Skulltula there.

Get a Third Key

Go up the stairs and throw a bomb flower into the skull. After it explodes, takethe small key that comes out.

Kill the four Keese in the room if you haven't already. The door will open.Go through.

Get a Third Key

Use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible target above the locked door. Use the Longshot on the invisible target,then go through the locked door.

Go through the passage until you see a fan in the wall. Put on the Iron Bootsso you can contiue walking through the passage without being pushed back bythe fans. Kill the Skulltula that comes down from the ceiling. When you reachthe gap, use the Longshot on the piece of wood in the ceiling to get across.

In the area with the fans on the sides, be careful of the flames that come outof the eyeball above the ceiling. Don't bother shooting the eyeball, because ithas no effect. You can raise your shield to block the flames.

There is a fake wall across from the fan at the end of the room. While stillwearing the Iron Boots, walk into the path of that fan, wait for the fan tostop, then put on the Hover Boots. When the fan starts blowing again, run towardthe fake wall. Go through the door that you find there.

Play Sun's Song to freeze the Gibdos, but be careful of the flying jarsnear the Gibdos. Kill the Gibdos to make a chest appear. It contains5 rupees. Then bomb the pile of skulls in the corner near the door where youentered the room. There is an invisible chest there that contains a small key. Use it to go through the locked door.

Get a Fourth Gold Skulltula

There is a ghostly ship in this room. Go to the left and pull the blockto the path in the center. You can climb the chains on the wall and break thejar to get a fairy, but don't climb up the next set of chains, because it goes up toa room that you have been to before, and the block that you pulledmight go back to where it started, preventing you from returning directly to theroom with the ship.

Go back to the block and pull it along the path, toward the ladder.Go around to the other side of the block and push it into the hole in frontof the ladder. Climb onto the block, then climb the ladder. At the top,play Scarecrow's Song to reach a Gold Skulltula on the other side.

Shadow Temple Ocarina Of Time 3ds

Get the Boss Key

Go back down to the block, climb it, and climb the ladder.Jump onto the ship, then stand on the Triforce and play Zelda's Lullaby.The ship will start moving.

Stalfos will attack when the ship starts moving. Battle them, but when theship reaches the end, jump off, because it is about to sink.Go through the door on the right.

This room has many Floormasters, and there are invisible walls blocking yourpath. Go counter-clockwise through the room. If you kill a Floormaster, useDin's Fire right afterward to kill the small hands.They always drop magic jars, helping to refillyour magic meter afterward.

Go through the door on the right (in the north wall) and use Din's Fire to burn the spiky wooden walls that start closing in on you. Then play Sun's Songto freeze the ReDeads, and kill them. Open the big chest to get the Boss Key.The small chest contains a blue rupee. The eden of grisaia torrent.

Get a Fifth Gold Skulltula

Leave the room, then make your way to the door in the west wall.There are three spinning skulls in here. Go behind the skulls and kill theGold Skulltula there. The skulls themselves just contain rupees, so you canbomb them if you want, or just ignore them.

Get a Fourth Key

Go back to the Floormaster room and make your way to the door in the south wall. Go through, then use the Lens of Truth to see the invisible Floormaster.Kill it, then use Din's Fire to kill the small hands. Open the chest to geta small key. Then go back through the east door to return to the room whereyou rode on the ship.

Go to the Boss

Go past the statue, and stand between the two pots up ahead. If you look across,you see that the statue beyond is surrounded by bomb flowers. Use anarrow to light one, and they will all blow up, causing the gigantic pillarto fall, which allows you to cross the pit. If you want the hearts, play theSong of Time to get one of them, and play Scarecrow's Song to get the rest.Otherwise, gothrough the locked door.

Put on the Hover Boots, turn on the Lens of Truth, and make yourway across the platforms to the door. Try going straight ahead from the doorto reach the T-shaped platform, then go to the platform on the left, thengo to the platform near the door, and finally go to the door.Go through and drop down thehole to face this dungeon's boss, Bongo Bongo.

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Bongo Bongo

Bongo Bongo's disembodied hands will hit the bongo that you are standing on. If you standon the edge of the drum, you won't bounce up into the air when the hands hitthe drum.Shoot the hands to stun both of them. The hands are only vulnerable when theyare open. After the hands play a rhythm, they will try to pick you up and crush you and throw you, so try to stun them as soon as possible.

When both are stunned, activate the Lens of Truth to see Bongo Bongo's body. Shoot its eye with an arrow beforeit hits you. Then run over to Bongo Bongo's eye and hit it repeatedly withyour sword.

Note thatyour arrows will fall back onto the bongo, so be sure to pick some up if you can safely do so. Magic jars will sometimes appear as well.

Shadow Temple Oot

Repeat the process untilBongo Bongo is defeated.

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